ISSN 2739-0063
versión on-line


Scope and editorial policy


To contribute significantly to the transdisciplinary debate on the phenomena of communication, culture and society.


To be one of the five best positioned communication journals in Latin America.

Thematic area

The publication proposes to debate the disciplinary development of the sciences, which has left a balance of compartmentalization and fragmentation of knowledge that today is unacceptable from a postmodern perspective (Morin, 1984). The transdisciplinary implies a movement of decentering of the disciplinary, establishing "increasingly dense relations not only between exact sciences and human or social sciences, but also between the sciences and the arts, literature, common experience, intuition and social imagination" (Barbero, 2005, Differences: from the multi and inter to the trans-disciplinary, 4). The relations, sub-relations and alter-relations that admit the transdisciplinary perspective and complex thinking (transcomplexity) imply a rejection of the "compact divisions of the disciplinary paradigm of modernity" (Márquez-Fernández, n/d, Thinking complexity from the cognitive praxis of intersubjective rationality, 18). And it is within the framework of the rejection of "disciplinary logic, as discourses of simplicity" (Lanz, 2003, El arte de pensar sin paradigmas, 18) that the discussion on the epistemological status of communication has relevance, understanding the immense possibilities and the fertile field of problems that can be approached from communication, not as a discipline, nor as an object, but as a knowledge that is not predetermined by the laws of the disciplines, capable of penetrating in the midst of the openings of other "relations of space and time in which the re-deconstruction of the realities of reality is conceived from the unpredictable possible" (Márquez-Fernández, n/d, Pensar la complejidad desde la praxis cognoscente de la racionalidad intersubjetiva, 23). It is imperative to think communication right at the crossroads of the transcomplex gaze, as a kaleidoscopic perspective "that clearly distances itself from any fundamentalist and dogmatic semblance" (Lanz, 2004, Transdisciplina y complejidad, 5), precisely because the cultural matrix of postmodernity is located in the transcomplex.

Communication is inherent in every human or social science, so we publish scientific papers in communication, sociology, education, psychology, law, philosophy, management, among others. For some editions, calls for papers on monographic topics may be organized.

Target audience of the Journal:

  • Researchers from all disciplines interested in the study of the phenomena of communication, culture and society.
  • Periodicity: Until Vol. 4 of 2024 it was published every six months. From Vol. 5 of 2025 onwards it is published quarterly (January, April, July and October) following the continuous publication model.

Information on increasing flow in publications

The editorial committee made the decision to increase the number of publications due to the increase in requests from authors to publish in a journal with quality standards, certified by several indexes, especially SciELO. This has led to the expansion of the editorial team and the list of reviewers in order to sustain the increase in the flows of submissions and publications. Joining the SciELO index has also motivated us to open issues for the following year; in order to reduce the time between the phase, researchers collect the data and the reading moment of the published articles.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Review Process

Peer Review

The Editorial Committee of REVISTA INVECOM will study each article according to the criteria of relevance, coherence, contributions to knowledge, and will decide on the convenience of its publication.

The Editor focuses special interest on the following aspects:

  • That the article is unpublished, meaning it has not been previously published -totally or partially- in another journal -physical or electronic-. At the time of submission, a declaration is requested from the authors guaranteeing that the manuscript is not under review by another academic journal and will not be submitted until obtaining the final decision of the Editorial Committee of REVISTA INVECOM. The journal verifies this condition during various parts of the process, even after acceptance for publication, but before its publication.
  • Originality/innovation of the article.
  • Clarity of the text.
  • Usefulness/interest for readers.
  • Scientific rigor.
  • Well-founded conclusions.
  • Potential impact factor of the article, especially for research articles.

Stages of the Review

The manuscript will be initially reviewed by the associate editors to ensure it meets the requirements established in the Author Guidelines; if it does not comply with these guidelines, it will be returned to the author(s) within a maximum period of 10 days for adjustments. Additionally, the text is tested in the Turnitin tool to control referencing and prevent cases of plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism.

Adjusted articles will undergo an internal evaluation by the Editorial Committee, which will decide which articles will be sent for evaluation by two external academic peers to the publishing institution, experts in areas related to the Journal. The process will be double-blind, meaning the author does not know who evaluates them, and the reviewer does not know whom they are evaluating. It will be supported by the article evaluation guide format managed by REVISTA INVECOM, which will be downloaded by the peers once they have accepted the article evaluation with the assigned key when registering as reviewers. The evaluation guide document must include the justified recommendation of the reviewer on the publication of the article. The peers will have a period of 15 calendar days to issue a concept on the assigned article.

If an article presents a favorable concept and an unfavorable one, it will be sent to a third reviewer whose opinion will be final, with the Editorial Committee being responsible for resolving any controversy regarding the evaluations, and it is the instance that decides which articles will be published. The decisions of the Editorial Committee are final. The author agrees to make the formal adjustments suggested by the reviewers or the journal's editorial team. Authors will have a period of 15 calendar days to make the adjustments.

Once the articles are accepted and the adjustments and clarifications have been made by the authors, they go to orthotypographic correction, in which each one's style is respected. The time assigned for layout is 5 calendar days. 

Review Process Time

The time to obtain a response depends on the availability of the peers to evaluate them and the promptness with which the recommendations made to the authors are carried out (this occurs within an average period of 90 days). During this time, authors are asked to refrain from submitting their article to other CT+I journals. If an article is objected to or rejected by its peers, the journal will inform the author of the evaluation results.

Information on the Increase in Publication Flow

The editorial committee decided to increase the number of publications due to the increase in requests from authors to publish in a journal with quality standards, certified by various indexes, especially SciELO. This has led to the expansion of the editorial team and the list of reviewers to sustain the increase in submission and publication flows. The entry into the SciELO index has also motivated us to open issues for the following year, thus reducing the time between when researchers collect data and the reading phase of the published articles.

Original articles


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Editorial InveCom. Urb. La Victoria,
Av. 80-A # 67-88. Postal code: 4001.
Maracaibo, Venezuela.