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Agronomía Tropical

versión impresa ISSN 0002-192X


LOPEZ, Marisol; RODRIGUEZ, Belkys  y  ESPANA, Mingrelia. TECHNOLOGIES GENERATED BY INIA TO CONTRIBUTE TO INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF SOIL FERTILITY. Agronomía Trop. [online]. 2010, vol.60, n.4, pp.315-330. ISSN 0002-192X.

This paper aims to establish state of the art in research and innovations generated by National Institute of Agricultural Research (acronym in Spanish INIA), in soil fertility to increase productivity of Venezuelan soil during the last Þ ve decades. The conceptual and philosophical evolution of generated knowledge was chronologically analyzed, based on the conventional point of view of fertility that developed soil analysis to rationalize the use of fertilizers and to neutralize acidity, where not only the physicochemical properties are valued, but also biological, promoting the combined use of inorganic, organic and biological inputs to promote a positive balance of matter and energy in the soil. Emphasis on biofertilizers was done based on a biotechnology offer which incorporates a great diversity of nitrogen Þ xing bacteria, free-living and symbiotic, solubilizing phosphorus bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi, from different agricultural areas and agroecosystems. Research to be followed are suggested to contribute with the Socialist Agricultural Model under the National Project Simón Bolivar, responding to population needs regarding to enough, safe and timely food, as well as to contribute with an ecological agriculture that beneÞ ts sustainability of agroecosystems, security and food sovereignty. The scientiÞ c and technological contributions generated by INIA, were demonstrated in the development of a platform capable to transfer research results to farming communities, research organizations, education, development and fertilizer industry.

Palabras clave : soil test; fertilizer; acidity; biotechnology supply.

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