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Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición

versión impresa ISSN 0004-0622


DIAZ-GARCIA, J; GONZALEZ-ZAPATA, L.I  y  ESTRADA- RESTREPO, A. Comparación entre variables antropométricas auto reportadas y mediciones reales. ALAN [online]. 2012, vol.62, n.2, pp.112-118. ISSN 0004-0622.

Comparison of self-reported anthropometric variables and real measurement data . The objectives of this study were to evaluate self-reporting of weight, height, and waist circumference, and to compare that perception with the real measurements in college students of the MESPYN cohort -- Medellin, Salud Pública y Nutrición -- from the University of Antioquia (UdeA), Colombia. A cross-sectional study was conducted starting with the first measurement of the MESPYN Cohort 2009-2010. The sample included volunteer students from different academic areas. Self-perception of weight, height, and waist circumference were recorded before the real measurements were performed. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated for all the variables, and an alpha of 0.05 was used. The concordance between real measurements and self-referred values was evaluated with the Bland and Altman method. 424 volunteer students were included. The average real weight (kg) in males was 67.4±10.4 and self-reported: 67.0±11.0; in females the real value was 55.7±10.1 and self-reported: 55.0±9.0. The average real height (m) in males was 1.73±6.1 and self-reported: 1.73±6.0; in females the real value was 1.60±5.9 and self-reported: 1.61±6.0. In males, the average real waist circumference (cm) was 76.6±8.0 and self-reported: 75.0±14.0; in females the real value was 69.9±8.0 and self-reported: 70.0±9.0. Weight ICC: 0.956, 95%CI (0.95; 0.97), (p<0.01); height ICC: 0.953, 95%IC (0.91; 0.97), (p<0.01), and waist circumference ICC: 0.593, 95%IC (0.55; 0.65), (p<0.01). In conclusion, anthropometric nutritional evaluation of UdeA students can be performed with self-reported data for weight and height, but the evaluation of abdominal obesity requires direct measurement of waist circumference.

Palabras clave : Self report; weight; height; nutritional status; waist circumference; abdominal obesity.

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