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Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición

versión impresa ISSN 0004-0622


GUERRERO-MORILLA, Raúl et al. Endocrine-metabolic adjustments during Ramadan fasting in young athletes. ALAN [online]. 2013, vol.63, n.1, pp.14-20. ISSN 0004-0622.

The Islamic precept of R implies important physiological modifications due to the hydric and dietetic restrictions along a whole month plus a day, all of which have a crucial repercussion over the physical and intellectual performance of Muslims, particularly in occidental societies, in which there is no hour readjustments for daily activities. Among the imposed modifications by Ramadan in daily habits, intermittent fasting along day and night causes adaptation mechanisms to optimize the energy consumption. The objective of this study was to analyze the metabolic-endocrine changes that happen during daily working hours, along the month of fasting in young subjects who have to continue their usual activities and sport training. Ten young muslim subjects, male, healthy, set to sport training, ages in between 18 and 25 who completed Ramadan. Plasma biochemical and hormonal parameters were analyzed in plasma, a week before Ramadan, in the first and fourth of the fasting month and a week after conclusion. During Ramadan, have been observed a drop of biochemical parameters along daytime, especially those related to glycemia, being these changes stronger in the first week. The concentration of cortisol found to be significantly high during the whole month as a consequence of adaptation to the change of circadian secretion rhythms. Ramadan obliges subject´s organisms to readjust their endocrine and metabolic system in order to preserve the energetic efficiency during daytime. This auto control becomes more efficient as long as the month advances due to physiological adaptations.

Palabras clave : Ramadan; fasting; physical activity; energy control.

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