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Revista de Obstetricia y Ginecología de Venezuela

versión impresa ISSN 0048-7732


ROMERO BELLO, Douglas Tomas  y  GONZALEZ BLANCO, Mireya. Violencia Doméstica según la percepción de la mujer. Rev Obstet Ginecol Venez [online]. 2017, vol.77, n.1, pp.30-40. ISSN 0048-7732.

Objective: To determine the frequency of domestic violence in patients attending the Gynecology Service of the “Maternidad Concepción Palacios” during the period January to August 2013. Methods: We conducted a prospective, descriptive, analytical study of cross section, which included 346 patients randomly selected, was applied, prior informed consent, an anonymous survey. Results: 150 women reported domestic violence (43.4%). Prevailed (91.3%) psychological violence, then physics (50%) and finally, the sexual (19.3%). Psychological violence-affected women had a level of superior instruction (35.8%) and those subjected to sexual violence were older (40 ± 15 years) and had a medium degree of instruction (48.3%). Marital status, the number of siblings, the age of menarche, the age of onset of sexual activity and socioeconomic level, did not affect the type of violence received. The risk factors associated to the violence significantly are: older age (34 ± 10 against 31 ± 11) (P = 0, 005), onset of sexual activity before age 18 (P = 0, 019) and having three or more sexual partners (P = 0, 000). Despite the fact that only 30% know reporting agencies, 81.3% have made the relevant reports, but obtained response only in 24% of cases. Conclusions: The frequency of domestic violence was 43.4%. It was the order of frequency: psychological, physical and sexual.

Palabras clave : Domestic Violence; Physical; Psychological and Sexual; Gynecology’s Consultation.

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