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Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad del Zulia
versión impresa ISSN 0254-0770
Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia vol.33 no.3 Maracaibo dic. 2010
Reclassification queries in a geographical data warehouse
Francisco J. Moreno1, Jaime Echeverri2, Fernando Arango1
1 School of Systems, University National of Colombia. Carrera 80 Nº 65-223.
2 Universidad de Medellín. Carrera 87 Nº 30-65. Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia. Phone: (094) 425-5376.,,
A data warehouse is a specialized database designed to support decision-making and is usually modeled using a multidimensional view of data. A multidimensional model includes dimensions that are composed of levels. The levels of a dimension are organized in a hierarchy, e.g., salespersons are grouped into stores. Throughout its lifespan a member (instance) of a level can be associated with several members of a higher level of the hierarchy, e.g., the salespersons can rotate between the stores. This succession of associations enables the formulation of queries such as: How much did a salesperson sell in his n-th season (stay) in the store X? In this paper, we enrich this type of query, known as season queries, with spatial features. This enhancement enables the formulation of queries such as: How much did a salesperson sell in his n-th season in a given geographic region? (A spatial query window that contains a set of stores.) In order to facilitate their formulation, we propose and incorporate an operator into a multidimensional query language to demonstrate their feasibility of implementation.
Key words: Temporal data warehouses, spatial data warehouses, OLAP, members reclassification, season queries.
Consultas de temporada espacial en un modelo multidimensional
Una bodega de datos es una base de datos especialmente diseñada para soportar la toma de decisiones y es usualmente modelada en forma multidimensional. Un modelo multidimensional posee dimensiones las cuales se componen de niveles. Los niveles de una dimensión se organizan jerárquicamente, e.g., los vendedores se agrupan en tiendas. A través de su existencia un miembro (instancia) de un nivel se puede asociar con varios miembros pertenecientes a un nivel superior en la jerarquía, e.g., los vendedores pueden rotar entre las tiendas. Esta sucesión de asociaciones posibilita la formulación de consultas como: Cuánto vendió un vendedor en su enésima temporada (estadía) en la tienda X? En este artículo, se enriquece este tipo de consultas, conocidas como consultas de temporadas, con aspectos espaciales. Esta mejora posibilita la formulación de consultas como: Cuánto vendió un vendedor en su enésima temporada (estadía) en una región geográfica (Una región espacial que cubre un conjunto de tiendas.) Para facilitar su formulación, se propone e incorpora un operador en un lenguaje de consulta multidimensional para demostrar la viabilidad de su implementación.
Palabras clave: Bodegas de datos temporales, bodegas de datos espaciales, OLAP, reclasificación de miembros, consultas de temporadas.
Recibido el 26 de Agosto de 2009
En forma revisada el 4 de Octubre de 2010
1. Introduction
A data warehouse [1-2] is a specialized database designed to support decision-making and is usually modeled using a multidimensional view of data. Although there are several multidimensional models [3-11]; they share a set of key concepts such as dimension, hierarchy, level, fact, and measure, among others.
A dimension is associated with a subject of analysis, called fact. For example, SALESPERSON, TIME, PRODUCT, and CUSTOMER dimensions can be associated with a sale. A multidimensional collection of data arranged in this way is commonly referred to as a data cube [12] (to be referred to hereinafter simply as cube.)
A dimension represents a business perspective to analyze the facts and it is composed of a non-empty set of levels. For example, in Figure 1 Salesperson, Store, City, and State are levels of the SALESPERSON dimension. A level in turn has attributes [11], which provide supplementary information about the level. For example, Name and Salary are attributes of the Salesperson level. For simplicity, we do not show attributes of levels in Figure 1.
On the other hand, a fact has measures, i.e., business metrics that analysts want to evaluate and report on, e.g., number of units of a product sold and sale value, are measures of a sale.
The levels of a dimension are structured as a hierarchy according to the analysis needs [13]. The hierarchical relationship between the levels captures their full containment [9]. For example, in our SALESPERSON dimension, a salesperson is fully contained in a store, a store is fully contained in a city, and a city is fully contained in a state.
A member (instance) of a level can be associated with several members of a higher hierarchical level throughout its lifespan, i.e., a member can be reclassified, e.g., a salesperson can rotate between the stores, a product can change its category. These reclassifications originate the concept of season [14]. Informally, a season is a maximum interval during which a member of a level is associated with a member of a higher level. For example, suppose a salesperson Sp1 is associated with the store St1 from 2009-01-01 to 2009-03-15. Note that throughout his lifespan a salesperson can experience several (disjoint) seasons in the same store. Thus, the ordering of the seasons between two members originates the notion of the n-th season, e.g., the first season of Sp1 in St1, the second season of Sp1 in St1, the first season of Sp1 in St2, and so on.
The seasons can originate queries such as: How much did Sp1 sell in his n-th season in St1? These types of queries are called season queries [14]. However, in [14] season queries that involve spatial features are not supported, e.g., how much did Sp1 sell in his n-th season in region R1? (Where R1 is a spatial query window that contains a set of stores.) In this paper, we propose an operator to support this type of query, i.e., spatial season queries. To the best of our knowledge, there is no language or operator that allows one to formulate spatial season queries in a concise and simple way.
Although over the last years both spatial and temporal data warehouses have been an active field of research [15-16], the notion of spatial season queries is not present in any work we have found in the literature. The works closest to ours are the following. In [17] the authors focus on solving queries such as: obtain the total sales of all stores that are inside a given region (a spatial query window); however, they do not deal with members reclassifications. Shekhar [18] proposes an operator that supports spatial aggregation in the context of a spatial multidimensional database; however, this work also does not deal with members reclassifications. Other works [8], [19-22] deal with reclassifications but they do not consider spatial features or season queries.
This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we present a motivating example. In Section 3 we propose an operator to support spatial season queries and in Section 4 we give examples. Finally, in Section 5 we present conclusions and outline future work.
2. Motivating example
Consider a consortium with stores in the cities of a country. The country is divided territorially into states, which group the cities. One of the most important subjects of analysis for the consortium are the sales of products, since from their behavior may raise strategies for production, distribution, purchasing, inventory management, marketing, among others. The products are classified into categories, e.g., cosmetics, meat and dairy products, and the customers are classified by gender and age groups.
A multidimensional model for representing this scenario is shown in Figure 1. We use notations from Malinowski [15] based on the entity-relationship graphical notations. Note that, since the cardinality of every level (rectangles) participating in a fact relationship (grey diamond) is zero-to-many (crowfoot connector), such cardinalities are omitted. Note also that Store, City, and State are spatial levels. A spatial level is a level that the application needs to keep its spatial characteristics [15]. This is captured by its geometry represented using spatial types [23], such as Point and Region. In addition, the symbol between two spatial levels, see Figure 1, represents the topological relationship inside [23-24], e.g., a store is inside a city and a city is inside a state.
The salespersons of the consortium tend to rotate between the stores in periods of days. The rotation is due to factors such as salespersons experience, skills, greater number of people in certain stores at certain times, distribution and launch of products, management of replacements due to vacation, permissions, sick leaves of the salespersons. Thus, a salesperson associated with store St1, may go on training, and later be associated with store St2 and then return to store St1. The temporal association between salespersons and stores is shown in Figure 1 by means of µ = day [22] (temporal unit to trace their assignments.)
The consortium is interested in analyzing how the rotation affects the performance in sales of its salespersons, e.g., analyzing the effect on the sales of a salesperson when he/she returns to the stores of a given region. For example, compare the total sales of a salesperson in his n-th season in a region regarding his previous seasons in that region. Note that factors such as knowledge acquired in previous seasons or training received before returning to a region, can influence the performance of a salesperson. The results could help identify the training that is beneficial and when it should take place, the periods for launching products, and the stays (frequency and duration) of the salespersons in the stores, all with the aim of increasing sales.
Consider Figure 2 where the dashed region R1 represents the set of stores in the western region of a country and consider the query: obtain the total sales made by salesperson Sp1 in his first season in the stores in the western region of the country. To answer this query, according to Figure 2, the sales made by Sp1 in his first and second seasons in St1 and in his first season in St2, St3, and St4 should be considered. Note that the sales made by Sp1 corresponding to his second season in St1 are included in the result because he has not left R1. Thus, while Sp1 rotates between the stores of R1 without leaving this region, his sales will be part of the total requested. Eventually, when Sp1 leaves R1 and then returns to some store in that region, he begins his second season in R1 (in Figure 2, when Sp1 returns to St3 from St6.) Note that more specialized queries can be formulated, e.g., obtain the total sales of cosmetics made to middle-aged women by Sp1 in his first season in the western stores.
Similar queries to the previous ones can be applied in other fields. In the military field, where the military units perform missions at strategic sites, the following query can be formulated: In its third season when the Red Unit performed missions in sites within the southern region, did the number of casualties decrease compared to the previous two seasons? In the fishing field where the boats are regularly assigned to certain fishing spots, the following query may be formulated: What was the total salmon catch by all the boats in their first three seasons in the Polar region (where the Polar region contains a set of specific fishing spots)? In the next section we present an operator to facilitate the formulation of this type of query.
3. The Spatial_Season operator
In order to design an operator to facilitate the formulation of the queries outlined in Section 2, we identify the arguments required by such an operator. Consider Figure 3 and the query: obtain the total sales made by salesperson Sp1 in his first season in region R2. Assume that the SALESPERSON dimension is formed as shown in Figure 1.
Let Q be one of the sales made by Sp1 in his first season in St1. Q contributes to the total requested since St1 is inside R2. Assume now that the SALESPERSON dimension is formed as shown in Figure 4 and that the Q sale was made by Sp1 when he lived in neighborhood N1, see Figure 5. Thus, the Q sale is characterized, from the geographic point-of-view, by store St1 that is inside R2 (and therefore it contributes to the total requested) and by the neighborhood N1 which is outside R2 (and therefore it does not contribute to the total requested.) Therefore, the statement of the query should be clarified to avoid this ambiguity.
Thus, the user must specify in the statement of his query, the corresponding geographic context: i) to obtain the total sales made by Sp1 in his first season in the stores of R2 or ii) obtain the total sales made by Sp1 in his first season in the neighborhoods of R2. That is, the geographic context indicates the geographic elements of interest associated with the facts and that are included in a given spatial query window. Note that in the second interpretation, and according to Figure 5, the sales made by Sp1 in St1, St2, and St3, contribute to the total requested if they were made when Sp1 lived his first season in N2.
On the other hand, note that it is possible that in a moment in time, a salesperson lives in a neighborhood of a city different from the city of the store where he works, i.e., in time t the city associated with a salesperson along the path that goes by the Store level might be different from the city associated with the salesperson along the path that goes by the Neighborhood level. Thereby, Salesperson.Store.City and Salesperson. Neighborhood.City represent different geographic contexts. The first refers to the city where the salesperson works (store) and the second refers to the city where he lives (neighborhood). Thus, a sale might be referred to two cities: the city of the store where the sale was made and the city where the salesperson that made the sale lives.
In order to facilitate the formulation of this type of query, we define a Spatial_Season operator. Our operator receives as arguments: i) a spatial query window, ii) a geographic context, c) a list of aggregates, where an aggregate is an aggregate function applied to a measure, and iv) a cube. Our operator returns a cube as well. For example, consider a cube corresponding to the schema of Figure 1, the region R2 of Figure 3 and the geographic context Salesperson.Store. For each salesperson in Sales his seasons in R2 are calculated. Each season has its start and end time (SStart and SEnd attributes) and its corresponding order number (SNumber attribute). The facts are grouped into their respective seasons along with the aggregates requested.
For example, assume that the facts (D5, Prod1, Sp1, Cust1, 10, 50$), (D28, Prod1, Sp1, Cust1, 15, 75$), (D19, Prod2, Sp1, Cust1, 8, 80$), and (D35, Prod2, Sp1, Cust1, 5, 50$) are the only ones that are part of the first season of salesperson Sp1 in region R2, a season that takes place between day D1 and day D40. When applying the Spatial_Season operator with the aggregate list {SUM(Sale_value)} the operator generates two facts: (S1, Prod1, Sp1, Cust1, 125$) and (S1, Prod2, Sp1, Cust1, 130$). This indicates that the salesperson Sp1 sold in his first season (S1) in region R2 to customer Cust1, 125$ of the product Prod1 and 130$ of the product Prod2.
We define the following syntax for the operator Spatial_Season: Spatial_SeasonSQW, GC, AL(C) = C, where: i) SQW (Spatial Query Window): is the spatial query window, e.g., region R1 in Figure 2 and region R2 in Figure 3, ii) GC (Geographic Context): is a path expression that indicates the geographic context. The expression is formed by the level names separated by dots, it starts with the bottom level of one dimension and ends with a spatial level of the same dimension, e.g., Salesperson.Store and Salesperson.Store. City are valid geographic contexts, iii) AL (Aggregate List): is a list of elements af(m) where af is an aggregate function such as SUM, MAX, COUNT and m is a measure, e.g., {SUM (Sale_value), MAX(Units_sold)}. Each af(m) generates a measure with name afm, e.g., the previous list generates the names SUMSale_value and MAXUnits_ sold, iv) C (Cube): is the cube on which the Spatial_Season operador is applied, and v) C: is the resulting cube.
Note that our operator takes a cube (C) as an argument and returns a new cube (C), thus facilitating its integration into a multidimensional query language, and enabling the composition of queries and the integration of their results, see Section 4.
The corresponding schema for the resulting cube C is generated as follows: i) we preserve all the dimensions of the schema of the original cube (C) except the TIME dimension, ii) the TIME dimension is replaced by a SEASON dimension with a homonymous level with attributes SStart, SEnd, and SNumber, and iii) the measures are generated from the aggregate list as explained in iii) in the previous list.
Figure 6 outlines the original and the resulting schema generated by Spatial_Season and in Table 1 we outline an algorithm to generate the resulting cube C. We describe how C is transformed into C; however, in an actual implementation C should remain intact.
Spatial_Season operator algorithm
Spatial_SeasonSQW, GC, AL(C) = C |
Input: Cube C Output: Cube C Procedure: Step 1. Let last_level be the last level of GC. Identify the members of last_level, which is a spatial level, that are contained in the spatial query window SQW. Step 2. Let first_level be the first level of GC. For each member of first_level compute its seasons with regard to the region SQW and considering the members identified in the Step 1. For this purpose, consider the periods of association between the members of first_level and last_level. The results make up a SEASON dimension with a level Season and attributes SStart, SEnd, and SNumber. Step 3. Insert the SEASON dimension, generated in Step 2, into the cube C. Each fact instance f Î C is associated with a member of Season level as follows. Let SM be the set of members of Season level corresponding to the member f.first_level. The member sm Î SM associated with the fact instance f is {sm | sm Î SM AND sm@SeasonStart <= f.time_level <= sm@SeasonEnd}, where f.time_level refers to the member of the bottom level of the TIME dimension associated with f. We use the symbol @ to access the attributes of a level. Step 4. Remove the TIME dimension from C and aggregate the measures, according to the aggregate list AL, for the rest of dimensions. The output is a cube C. |
Consider, e.g., the facts of Table 2 corresponding to the schema of Figure 1 and region R1 of Figure 2. Suppose the first season of Sp1 in stores that are inside R1 is [D1, D225]. The results of the operation Spatial_SeasonR1, Salesperson.Store, {SUM(Sale_value)}(Sales) are shown in Table 3.
Sample data of Sales fact table: Sales made by Sp1 in his first season in stores inside R1
Day | Salesperson | Product | Customer | Units_sold | Sale_value ($) |
D1 | Sp1 | Prod1 | Cust1 | 8 | 40 |
D1 | Sp1 | Prod2 | Cust2 | 7 | 70 |
D2 | Sp1 | Prod1 | Cust1 | 13 | 65 |
| Sp1 |
D225 | Sp1 | Prod2 | Cust2 | 5 | 50 |
Results of Spatial_SeasonR1, Salesperson.Store, {SUM(Sale_value)}(Sales) = Sales
Season (SStart, SEnd, SNumber) | Salesperson | Product | Customer | SUMSale_value ($) |
S1 = (D1, D225, 1) | Sp1 | Prod1 | Cust1 | 40 + 65 + |
S1 = (D1, D225, 1) | Sp1 | Prod2 | Cust2 | 70 + + 50 |
The results of Table 3 show, e.g., that Sp1 sold during his first season in R1, that elapsed between day D1 and day D225, a total of $ (70 + + 50) of Prod2 to Cust2.
4. Spatial season queries examples
Table 4 presents formulations to some spatial season queries using our spatial season operator. We use the multidimensional query language of Datta [25], which operates with cubes as the basic unit of input and output for all operators. This language includes typical multidimensional operators such as selection (s) and aggregation (a). s allows us to specify values for dimensions. Notation: sP(Cube1) = Cube2, where P is a predicate. a applies aggregate functions to measures with one or more levels of a dimension specified as grouping elements. Notation: a[AL, GDL](Cube1) = Cube2. AL is a list of elements afi(mi) where afi is an aggregate function applied to measure mi, and GDL is a set of grouping dimensions levels.
Spatial season queries examples
User request | Query |
Let Spatial_SeasonR1, Salesperson.Store, {SUM(Sale_value)}(Sales) = Cube1 | |
Obtain the total sales made by Sp1 in his first season in the stores in the western region (R1). | a[SUM(SUMSale_value), {Salesperson}]sSalesperson = Sp1 AND Season@SNumber = 1(Cube1) |
Obtain the total sales of cosmetics made to middle-aged women by Sp1 in his first season in the stores in the western region (R1). | a[SUM(SUMSale_value), {Salesperson}]sSalesperson = Sp1 AND Season@SNumber = 1 AND ?Product.Category = Cosmetics AND ?Customer.Sex = Female AND Customer.Age_group = Middle-aged(Cube1) |
Obtain the total sales made by Sp1 in all his seasons in the stores in the western region (R1). | a[SUM(SUMSale_value), {Salesperson}]sSalesperson = Sp1 (Cube1) |
Obtain the total sales made by all salespersons in their three first seasons in the stores in the western region (R1). | a[SUM(SUMSale_value), {Salesperson}]sSeason@SNumber < 4(Cube1) |
Obtain the total sales made by Sp1 in his second season in the neighborhoods from region R2. | i) Spatial_SeasonR2, Salesperson.Neighborhood, {SUM(Sale_value)}(Sales) = Cube2 ii) a[SUM(SUMSale_value), {Salesperson}]sSalesperson = Sp1 AND Season@SNumber = 2(Cube2) |
In order to access the attributes of levels, we propose the notation LevelName@Attribute Name, e.g., Season@SNumber, Salesperson@ Salary; since Dattas language lacks this feature.
5. Conclusions and future work
In this paper we proposed an operator to facilitate the formulation of spatial season queries within the context of a multidimensional model, i.e., queries such as: What were the total sales of cosmetics made by a salesperson to middle-aged women in his first season in the stores of a given geographic region? (A spatial query window.) This type of query can help evaluate the performance of the salespersons in the wake of their rotation between the stores. Furthermore, these queries can be useful in other domains too, where several phenomena are involved in a recurring manner in a geographic scenario, e.g., analyze both the material and human losses caused by a hurricane in its n-th season in a city, state, or country. This can help not only to take preventive measures but also to evaluate their effectiveness.
As future work, we plan to incorporate our operator in a multidimensional query language such as MDX [26], a language which in recent years has become a de facto standard to query multidimensional data. However, in principle there are two drawbacks that ought to be considered: first MDX has no spatial features and second MDX does not support temporal relationships between levels.
On the other hand, the temporality that exists between two levels can generate a complex data type: a trajectory. For example, a salesperson rotation between the stores defines a trajectory. We believe that the management of a trajectory as a first-class concept in a data warehouse can similarly generate interesting queries, e.g., to analyze the performance of the salespersons that have followed similar trajectories, where the notion of similarity of trajectories should be defined. For example, two salesperson trajectories could be considered similar if they have in common at least 75% of stores visited. The works [27-30] are points of departure for these issues.
Finally, we plan to experiment with real data in several domains and analyze the results in order to discover trends that may be associated with spatial seasons.
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