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vol.32 número62De la demonización a la polarización: un análisis desde el discurso digital del gobierno y la oposición venezolanaDisfunciones en el tratamiento mediático de la memoria colectiva índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0254-1637


SABAJ MERUANE, Omar; GONZALEZ VERGARA, Carlos; VARAS ESPINOZA, Germán  y  PINA-STRANGER, Álvaro. A new Form for the Evaluation of Scientific Articles under Peer Review. Argos [online]. 2015, vol.32, n.62, pp.119-130. ISSN 0254-1637.

In this article a new form for the evaluation of scientific articles under peer review is presented. This proposal is based on some empirical observations with respect to the process through which scientific knowledge is built. The principles underlying this proposal are simplicity, agility and clarity in the feedback for authors. Some of the weaknesses of peer review could be addressed by applying this new procedure.

Palabras clave : Peer Review Process; Research Articles; Scientific Evaluation; Evaluation Forms; Scientific Production.

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