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Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

versión impresa ISSN 0258-6576


PEREZ M., Arlett M.. Fasciola hepática in Venezuela: Historical Review. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet. [online]. 2007, vol.48, n.1, pp.3-14. ISSN 0258-6576.

Nowadays, the presence of Fasciola hepatica keeps being a negative factor for the development of livestock in different regions of Venezuela. Furthermore, the ailment (fasciolosis) caused by this parasite has acquired renewed importance as a zoonosis, with increasing clinical cases reported. Also, the dimension of this problem in humans has been underestimated. Macrocyclic lactones, usually given as an antimelminthic control in ruminants, have no effect on this trematode; and routine deworming programs in farms do not take this aspect into consideration. The drug triclabendazole is not accesible in the country, at least in practical terms. The available information regarding this parasite and the disease seems to be dispersed, both in time and space. A bibliographic review was carried out to collect and summarize the existing information about the main studies of fasciolosis in Venezuela, from the initial documentary studies until present. The following aspects were considered: prevalence studies in ruminant herds as well as in slaughterhouses, studies on intermediate hosts, present knowledge of fasciolosis in humans, experimental infections, molecular identification and other moecular studies, and clinical cases in humans from 1910 to 2006. Those studies included not published, personal communications and notes of interest. This paper underscores the importance of human cases and the need that future research should focus on evaluation of control measures.

Palabras clave : Fasciola hepatica; Lymnaea, morbidity; Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of, history).

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