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Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias

versión impresa ISSN 0258-6576


BRICENO, Rina J; CASTILLO, José; ALVARADO, Carlos  y  VIVAS-PIVAT, Isis. Evaluation of Beef Carcass Grading System Implementation in Slaughterhouses in the Central Region of Venezuela. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet. [online]. 2015, vol.56, n.1, pp.052-057. ISSN 0258-6576.

The classification and categorization system for evaluating cattle carcasses, based on the existing Decree No. 1896 of 1997, establishes the criteria to be followed; however, to date, little has been reported as to its application in Venezuela slaughterhouses. To evaluate the implementation of this system, 3 cattle slaughterhouses of the States of Aragua and Carabobo, which correspond to 45% of all existing plants from those states located in the central region of Venezuela, were visited. The assessment was performed by documented observation of the process of classification and categorization of each slaughterhouse, using an observation guide.   Parallel to this collection of information on the plant, a survey was applied to veterinarians in charge of classifying meat. Both results were tabulated and evaluated using descriptive statistics. Once the information was analyzed, it was found that, despite being stipulated, the implementation of this system was not performed in a homogenous way in any of the establishments evaluated. Compliance levels in variables measuring were between 43 and 21%. Likewise, it was known that refrigerated carcasses are not evaluated, as required by official regulations. The comparative analysis of the survey along with the documented observation confirmed that, even when the system is based on Decree 1896 and its respective instructions, not all slaughterhouses apply it, as the law establishes. It was evident that the system of classification and categorization of cattle carcasses in the central region of Venezuela is applied in a discretionary manner in each meat processing plant, based on practicality criteria, to expedite the procedure. This reflects the need to review the regulations and mechanisms to ensure faithful compliance in all cattle slaughterhouses.

Palabras clave : Evaluation; carcasses; classification systems; bovinae; meat processing plants; meat yield; Aragua; Carabobo.

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