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vol.26 número1Evaluación de nitratos y nitritos lixiviados en un sistema de pastoreo intensivo usando fertilizantes nitrogenadosCalidad bacteriológica de la leche cruda de cabra producida en la parroquia Faría, municipio Miranda, estado Zulia, Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía

versión impresa ISSN 0378-7818


PEROZO-BRAVO, A; GONZALEZ, B  y  ORTEGA-ALCALA, J. Effect of grazing pressure and strategic supplementation on tannergrass (Brachiaria arrecta) on dry matter composition before and after grazing time. Rev. Fac. Agron. [online]. 2009, vol.26, n.1, pp.39-58. ISSN 0378-7818.

The objective of this research was to determine the effect of grazing pressure and strategic supplementation on tanner grass (Brachiaria arrecta) dry matter composition before and after grazing time. The experimental design used was a random completely factorial 22, with two levels of grazing pressure (GP): high (HG):20 and low (LG):14.29 kg live weight (LW).kg (dry matter) (d)-1 and two levels of strategic supplementation (SS): no supplementation (NS): 0 and with supplementation (S): 0.5 kg DM.100 kg LW-1.d-1. The supplement contained palm kernel meal (65%), poultry litter (25%), minerals (5%) and molasses (5%). Leaves, stems and dead material proportion with respect to the total biomass of tanner grass (LPB, SPB, DeMPB, LPA, SPA and DeMPA) and leaf:stem relationship (LSRB and LSRA) it was measured before and after grazing time. The GP affected in a significant way (P<0.05) the LPB, LSRB, LSRA, and (P<0.01) the LPA. The SS affected (P<0.01) the LPA and (P<0.05) the DeMPA and LSRA. The interaction GP x SS affected in a significant way (P<0.01) the DeMPA. The high grazing pressure was the sufficiently severe to promote a contribution of leaves and a better leaf:stem relationship respect to the low grazing pressure treatment.

Palabras clave : Grazing pressure; strategic supplementation; put and take; Brachiaria arrecta.

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