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vol.35 número3Utilidad terapéutica del proceso de segmentación tumoral, aplicado a imágenes de PET-CTUtilidad del cultivo rápido en medio líquido Bact/Alert 3D en el diagnóstico micobacteriano de muestras clínicas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacología y Terapéutica

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0264


HUERFANO, Yoleidy et al. Medical Imaging: Foundations and Scope. AVFT [online]. 2016, vol.35, n.3, pp.71-76. ISSN 0798-0264.

Nowdays, several forms of medical imaging are usefulness in clinical support for both diagnostics diseases generation and treatment planning designed to provide an alternative solution to people who, for one or another reason, manifest an imbalance in your health. Among the imaging modalities that frequently are used in the medical field may include: Ultrasound (US), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), simple computed tomography (CT) and multilayer computed tomography (MSCT), CT positron emission tomography (PET) Computed tomography and single photon emission (SPECT). In this sense, this article presents an orderly, coherent and systematic description of these modalities and it establishes relationship with the MSCT modality and clinical situations closely related to cardiac anatomy and hypertension processes. The reason emphasis on MSCT is done is because, on the one hand, we have a large number of databases both physiological subjects and pathological subjects and, on the other, we plan to present a set of computational techniques that will be explored in future research, in the context of cardiologic anatomical aspects, with directly or indirectly influence in the emergence, development and prevalence of hypertensive processes.

Palabras clave : Cardiac imaging; Imaging modalities; MSCT.

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