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Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0477


MORALES OVALLES, Yasmin; MIRANDA DE CONTRERAS, Leticia  y  DI BERNARDO NAVAS, María Luisa. Neurotoxicity of pesticides as endocrine disruptors agents: A review. INHRR [online]. 2014, vol.45, n.2, pp.96-119. ISSN 0798-0477.

Pesticides are found in the environment as complex mixtures forming pollutants, recent studies have focused on evaluating the effects and risks that may cause these mixtures of pesticides on humans and ecosystems. This review highlights three specific, representative of organophosphorus pesticide chemical groups carbamate, dithiocarbamate and triazine type, such as: ethyl Paratión®, Mancozeb® and Atrazina®, respectively.It has been demonstrated in experimental animal’s neurotoxicity of these pesticides by altering synaptic transmission and mechanisms of homeostasis of the neuroendocrine system, which explains the action of these pesticides as endocrine disruptors. Several studies show that these pesticides are potentially toxic to human health, and even in low concentrations, can affect the body causing alterations in the neuroendocrine system, especially in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis. The researchers point out that the moments of particular sensitivity of exposure Endocrine disruptor pesticide are the early stages of life as during embryonic development and early childhood periods in which growth processes are controlled by hormones affecting the development brain, immune system and other organs such as the thyroid and reproductive system. The neurochemical changes induced by exposure to these pesticides during brain development are at high risk because they are able to interfere with the processes of neurogenesis and synaptogenesis, adversely affecting cognitive and motor functions, whose effects are observed during the later stages of life.

Palabras clave : neurotoxicity; pesticides; endocrine disruptors; neurogenesis; synaptogenesis.

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