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vol.18 número3Uso de taxanos en neoadyuvancia en cáncer de mama resistente a antraciclinas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Venezolana de Oncología

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0582


ZENZOLA, Víctor et al. Estudio comparativo entre radiolocalización con aguja arpón y uso de semillas radioactivas de yodo125 en lesiones subclínicas de mama. Rev. venez. oncol. [online]. 2006, vol.18, n.3, pp.136-143. ISSN 0798-0582.

INTRODUCTION: The objective is to determine if the use of radioactive Iodine seed 125 (ROLL) is as effective as the use of the needle harpoon in the location of subclinical injuries of breast. METHODS: All patients who entered the Institute of Oncology Luis Razetti with suspicious subclinical injuries for breast cancer, from January of 2000 to 2004 July, were included. A group (70 patients), was under radio localized with ion harpoon needle and the other (42 patients) to location with Iodine 125 seeds. RESULTS: It was obtained the location and resection of the subclinical injuries in a 100% of the cases, for both techniques. The microcalcifications were the most frequent injuries for both groups (ROLL 57.1 % HARPOON 64.3 %) the average of the volume of the operating piece was of 53.37 mililiter for the ROLL group and 61.71 mililiter for the needle harpoon group. The malignant histological diagnosis was of 22.9 % for the group of ROLL and 23.8 % for the needle harpoon group. The resection margins of the cases with malignant histological diagnosis were it jeopardize in 60 % for the needle harpoon group and 37.5 % for the one of ROLL. CONCLUSIONS: The ROLL method has the advantage to reduce the incidence of jeopardize margins in the surgical specimen, with which it is outlined as the ideal procedure for the diagnosis and treatment of early lesions of breast cancer.

Palabras clave : Breast; cancer; subclinical breast lesion; diagnosis; wire localization; ROLL.

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