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Zootecnia Tropical

versión impresa ISSN 0798-7269


PINILLA LEON, Juan C  y  CORONADO FONSECA, Alfredo J. Prevalence of Isospora suis in piglets raised in farms at the center-western region of Venezuela. Zootecnia Trop. [online]. 2008, vol.26, n.1, pp.47-53. ISSN 0798-7269.

It was carried out a study in the center-western region of Venezuela with the objective to determine the prevalence of Isospora suis in piglets raised in 15 farms with faulty handlings and poor hygienic-sanitary conditions. For the parasitic determination, 237 litters were selected with signs of diarrhea, and from each selected litter, 4 to 5 piglets were selected. A hyssop were introduced by rectal way with the purpose of causing stimulation and collect the stool sample. The stool samples were cultivated in a 2.5% potassium dichromate solution and later processed by the centrifugation-flotation technique using a sugar-salt solution for the oocyst determination. A prevalence of 93.3% was determined in the examined farms and 31.6% in piglets showed poor hygienic-sanitary conditions in the farms that could have an effect on the parasite presence. Regarding to ages, a higher prevalence was observed (19.4%) in 7 to 13 days old piglets and 9.3% in 14 to 20 days old piglets. According to Chi-squared test, there was a statistical association (P <0.05) among positive percentages of the parasite with regard to piglets age. Regarding to sampling month, there were different positive grades among the months, indicated by the statistical association (P<0.05) between month and parasite prevalence. Statistical associations were also determined (P<0.05) between age prevalence and consistency and color of the stools. It is concluded that I. suis is broadly distributed in the farms and examined litters, and it could be controlled improving the prevention programs and control on the farms.

Palabras clave : Isospora suis; piglets; oocysts; diarrhea.

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