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vol.36 número1Evaluación socioformativa y rendimiento académico en un programa de posgrado en líneaEl encanto del diamante: Sublimidad, pervención y a veces, perversidad índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1011-2251


PARRA ACOSTA, Haydeé; TOBON, Sergio  y  LOPEZ LOYA, José. Socioformative teaching and academic performance in higher education. Paradígma [online]. 2015, vol.36, n.1, pp.42-55. ISSN 1011-2251.

Nowadays the socioformation is increasingly applied for improving the formation in the university.  However, there are a few studies in regard to the impact on academic performance. Goal: To determine the relation between the socioformative teaching and the academic performance among the students. Method: A descriptive correlational study was made with one sample of 570 teachers and 1299 students. A questionnaire was used with adequate levels of reliability. Some different variables were evaluated related with the teaching of socioformation. Results: was shown a positive and significant correlation between some different variables in socioformation teaching and academic performance. It was found that when the students are interested in learning, also are interested in solving real context problems and in the application of projects. Conclusion: the socioformative teaching provides answers to the necessities and interests of teachers and students. It also contributes to the integral formation of the students.

Palabras clave : teaching; socioformation; socioformative projects; context problems; integral formation.

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