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vol.32 número89Colombia: el sesgo antilaboral del modelo de desarrollo y las políticas de formalización*Uruguay: políticas públicas y regulación laboral índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Cuadernos del Cendes

versión On-line ISSN 2443-468X


FERNANDEZ-MALDONADO MUJICA, Enrique. Perú: de la Ley General del Trabajo al Régimen Laboral «Pulpín». CDC [online]. 2015, vol.32, n.89, pp.141-172. ISSN 2443-468X.

At the beginning of 2015 a series of protests by youth groups refreshed the labor debate on the model of existing labor relations .The current nationalist government did not accomplish its electoral promise of approving the General labor law, joining the list of governments that have maintained the model of extreme labor relaxation. Currently the Peruvian State has profound limitations (budgetary and of personnel) to properly supervise labor rules. On the other hand, the stakeholders have failed to establish labor relations based on the social dialogue, which has negatively affected the rate of unionization and collective bargaining. Among other impacts, this situation has generated a widespread reality of low income levels and wage inequalities between occupational sectors, regions, gender, contractual status, trade union membership, etc.

Palabras clave : Democratic Transition; Employment; Social Dialogue ; Decent Work.

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