versión impresa ISSN 1315-0162
HOSSNE GARCIA, Américo. Sandy loam savanna soil elastoplasticity. Saber [online]. 2014, vol.26, n.2, pp.153-167. ISSN 1315-0162.
The knowledge of elastoplastic properties is important for calculating soil elastic and plastic deformations experienced by static or dynamic loads generated, for example, by farm implements and root growth. The objective of this study was to determine the soil elastoplastic parameters: Youngs modulus (E), the shear modulus (G), bulk modulus (K) and Poissons ratio (υ) of a sandy-loam soil from a savanna in Monagas State, Venezuela. Triaxial tests and regression analyses were used to interpret the variance between them. The results show that E varied from 4693.39 to 36669.35 kPa; G from 700 to 5000 kPa; K from 500 to 2000 kPa and υ had a value of 0.50. It is concluded that these soils are incompressible under plastic conditions, i.e. easily deformable. The Poissons ratio varied significantly with soil water content. The Young modulus, bulk modulus and the shear modulus showed high variation with respect to water content. Both the Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio increased, at low soil water content, with the rise in chamber pressure.
Palabras clave : Triaxial test; Young modulus; shear modulus; bulk modulus; Poisson ratio; water content.