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vol.29 número1Leishmaniosis visceral (1942-2006) y seroprevalencia en dos comunidades del estado Bolívar, VenezuelaIndicadores entéricos en vegetales frescos que se comercializan en mercados populares de Maracaibo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de la Sociedad Venezolana de Microbiología

versión impresa ISSN 1315-2556


MARTINEZ MENDEZ, Dilia; MARTINEZ LEAL, Eustacia; OBERTO PERDIGON, Lairet  y  NAVAS YAMARTE, Patricia. Toxoplasmosis seroprevalence in women who attended the “Dr. Rafael Gallardo” hospital at Coro, Falcon State. Rev. Soc. Ven. Microbiol. [online]. 2009, vol.29, n.1, pp.49-51. ISSN 1315-2556.

Studies related with toxoplasmosis have not been done at Falcon State, Venezuela. The aim of this study was to determine the IgM and IgG type anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibody prevalence in non pregnant women who attended the “Dr. Rafael Gallardo” Hospital. Diagnosis was made through an immune-enzymatic assay. Of the sera tested, 85.5% were negative for both antibodies; 14.27% of the sera were positive for IgG  and 0.37% for IgM. The presence of active infection was rejected in the IgG(+) patients. The one patient who was IgM positive was considered as recently infected. The low prevalence found may be due to scarce exposure to risk factors, or to a sub registration. An early diagnosis will allow initiating prophylactic measures that reduce transmission. Serologic studies should be extended to pregnant women and complemented with epidemiological data

Palabras clave : Toxoplasmosis; Seroprevalence; Coro; Falcón; Venezuela.

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