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vol.13 número45Clima organizacional en los departamentos del decanato de ciencias de la salud de la universidad centro occidental "Lisandro Alvarado"Proceso educativo en museos de arte venezolanos: Interacción arte-currículo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1316-4910


ROLDAN POL, María Rosa. Development and educational models in nursing in venezuelan universities: A comparative study. Educere [online]. 2009, vol.13, n.45, pp.359-369. ISSN 1316-4910.

University nursing education is tackled from one of its varied edges: professional profile, aiming to contribute understanding that these profiles are not neutral, but configured by schools which as functional ideological apparatus to the development model added in a specific time, generates a specific profile. The imbrications Development Models, Philosophy and Education are analyzed through a comparative study founded on the dialectic model, to contrast philosophies underlying in both the neoliberal-technocratic model (1958-1998) and the socialist model, considering Marx’s 11th Thesis and the new social politics.

Palabras clave : development models; philosophy; nursing education; 11th thesis.

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