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vol.17 suppl.1Cambios morfológicos, proteicos, glicoproteicos y antigénicos de Trypanosoma cruzi cultivado en medio axénico con tensiones de oxígeno diferentesFactores de riesgo, nivel de conocimiento y seroprevalencia de enfermedad de Chagas en el Municipio San Diego, Estado Carabobo. Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1316-7138


GRATEROL, Diana et al. Trypanosoma cruzi Dm28c Epimastigogenesis in ML15-HA medium: protein, glycoprotein and antigen analyses. Salus [online]. 2013, vol.17, suppl.1, pp.14-23. ISSN 1316-7138.

The ML15-HA medium allows simulate in vitro morphogenetic events in the life cycle of T. cruzi. It has been demonstrated that the morphological changes of epimastigogenesis in ML15-HA of the T. cruzi clone Dm28c, occur faster than for other isolates. Our purpose was to investigate whether macromolecular changes occur concomitantly with rapid morphological transformation. Trypomastigotes derived from infected cells were incubated for different times in ML15-HA medium at 27°C. Morphological changes were determined by phase contrast microscopy and staining with Giemsa. Peptide and glycopeptide profiles were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and specific staining. Antigenic changes were studied by Western blot using serum anti-trypomastigotes and anti-epimastigotes. The results show: (1) decline in the percentage of trypomastigotes and amastigotes increased in the first 24 hours, epimastigotes gradually increases from 48 hours, (2) three peptide and glycopeptide profiles different: trypomastigotes, epimastigotes from the day 4 and an intermediate profile on days 2 and 3, showing the close correlation between morphological events and protein and glycoprotein changes, (3) antigenic profiles showed close relationship between the morphological changes and the expression of stage-specific antigens. The results show conclusively that the molecular changes are more rapid for clone Dm28c in ML15-HA medium than in other media. These findings open the question, if the epimastigogenesis speed is determined by the genetic constitution of isolated or nutritional wealth differentiation medium.

Palabras clave : Trypanosoma cruzi; Epimastigogenesis; ML15-HA medium.

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