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Revista Venezolana de Endocrinología y Metabolismo
versión impresa ISSN 1690-3110
AZKOUL, Jueida y GRUPO DE ENDOCRINOLOGIA MERIDA (ENDO-MER) et al. Manejo de la pubertad precoz: Guías Clínicas del Servicio de Endocrinología del Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario De Los Andes. Rev. Venez. Endocrinol. Metab. [online]. 2013, vol.11, n.2, pp.87-94. ISSN 1690-3110.
Precocious puberty (PP) is characterized by the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics before 8 years old in girls and 9 in boys, usually accompanied by acceleration of growth velocity and skeletal maturation. The PP is classified in Central Precocious Puberty (CPP) in which case there is full activation of the hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis (HHGA), Peripheral Precocious Puberty (PPP), that result from exposure to sex steroids, gonadotropin-independent, and Combined or Mixed Precocious Puberty, when the maturation of the hypothalamic pituitary axis occurs after a peripheral cause of PP, that secondarily produce a CPP. The most common is the CPP; the etiology in girls is idiopathic in 90% of cases, unlike boys in whom the cause is mainly organic. In this paper, considerations about the different strategies for diagnosis and treatment of PP are made, and the protocol of the Endocrinology Unit, IAHULA, Mérida, Venezuela is presented.
Palabras clave : precocious puberty; GnRH analogues.