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Boletín de Malariología y Salud Ambiental

versión impresa ISSN 1690-4648


GOMEZ MARTINEZ, Erika et al. First discovery of Hepatozoon and other hemotropics in canine domestic of the Sucre municipality, Sucre State, Venezuela. Bol Mal Salud Amb [online]. 2015, vol.55, n.1, pp.94-104. ISSN 1690-4648.

Hemotropics are pathogens that affect domestic and wild dogs as well as humans worldwide. In this study we determined the prevalence of hemotropics in domestic dogs in the Cancamure II, Vega El Limón and Guaranache communities in the parish of San Juan, Sucre Municipality, Sucre state, Venezuela. Blood samples of 65 dogs of all ages, regardless of race or sex, were collected with the informed consent of their owners. Parasitological diagnosis was performed using direct examination, as well as blood and buffy coat smears stained with Hemacolor®. The modified Knott´s concentration technique was also used. Of the 65 dogs studied 39 (60%) tested positive for hemotropics, and of these Ehrlichia canis was the most common species with a prevalence of 89.7%, followed by Anaplasma platys (10.2%), Dirofilaria immitis (7.7%) and Hepatozoon canis (2.6%). The community most affected by Ehrlichia canis was Guaranache with 48.6% of the total number of cases. Hematologic values were consistent with expected values for each hemotropic. As regards the hepatozoonosis, the dog showed a leukocytosis of 18.3x109/L and mild lymphocytosis (53.8%), but did not show any pathognomonic symptoms. The high prevalence of Ehrlichia canis in these communities represents an epidemiological risk both for the dog populations and human inhabitants. The presence of Hepatozoon canis also represents an important contribution to the epidemiology of hepatozoonosis in Sucre Municipality, as this is the first report of this disease in eastern Venezuela.

Palabras clave : Hemotropics; dogs; hepatozoon; Ehrlichia.

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