Revista de Odontopediatría Latinoamericana
versión On-line ISSN 2174-0798
FERNANDEZ, Maria José; VELEZ LEON, Eleonor María y REINOSO QUEZADA, Santiago José. Early intervention of supernumerary teeth in primary dentition: Report and follow-up of clinical case. Rev Odontoped Latinoam [online]. 2023, vol.13, e-224555. Epub 26-Mar-2024. ISSN 2174-0798.
Mesiodens is a supernumerary tooth found in the area of the upper central incisors, the detection of which may be accidental. Early diagnosis is essential since it allows timely extraction of the supernumerary tooth, preventing possible future alterations such as: the development of cysts, poor location of adjacent teeth, delayed eruption, interincisal diastema, apical resorption of neighboring teeth.
Case report:
The case presented is of a male pediatric patient, 6 years and 11 months old, who presented double mesiodens, whose finding was radiological, through a panoramic view, a requirement of the dentist for general dental control, in which could observe the presence of two supernumerary teeth, which were causing the rotation of the upper permanent incisors. The treatment was based on the early surgical extraction of the supernumerary teeth, to determine the approach it was necessary to carry out a tomographic study, once the extraction process was determined, and later the recovery of the patient, and radiographic and clinical follow-up, it was achieved. proper eruption of the permanent upper central incisors, to date periodic checks and placement of upper and lower expansion plates are performed.
In this case, the treatment is early extraction, and due to timely diagnosis and optimal patient conditions such as: physiological root resorption of deciduous teeth, location of supernumerary teeth, as well as the Nolla stage of the teeth. upper central incisors, allows the chosen treatment to be optimal and with the least traumatic conditions possible.
Palabras clave : Supernumerary teeth; radiology; pediatric patient; dental extraction.