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Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0752


PEREZ, Betty M. Health: between physical activity and sedentariness. An Venez Nutr [online]. 2014, vol.27, n.1, pp.119-128. ISSN 0798-0752.

This article focuses on the role played by physical activity (PA) on public health, highlighting the role in preventing morbidity and mortality from chronic diseases, associated with quality of nutrition and premature deaths. Evidence of the association between physical activity and health, widely supported in the scientific literature, justify its consideration within the global health promotion programs. The research strategy focuses on the historical reviews of the benefits of physical activity, as a factor underlying the concept of healthy life. In this sense emphasis on relationship between physical inactivity and the existence of certain types of cardio-metabolic diseases, the possible association between P.A. and cognitive functions and the occurrence of overweight and obesity, which are now worldwide public health problems, were surveyed. Similarly, the review intends to summarize the effect of demographic changes that encourage sedentary behavior, different methodologies to assess P.A. and sedentariness, its current status in different groups of ages and in some Latin America countries, considerations for the legal provisions governing the physical activity, especially at school age and, finally, certain urban strategies and interventions employed in different age groups to lessen the effect of the sedentary lifestyle.

Palabras clave : Physical activity; sedentariness; Latin American countries; chronic illness; healthy behavior.

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