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vol.26 número2Hallazgo de Genolopa ampullacea linton, 1910 (digenea: monorchiidae, monorchiinae) en Haemulon bonariense Cuvier, 1830 de la bahía de mochima, estado Sucre, VenezuelaEvaluación de la contaminación fúngica de billetes en Coro, estado Falcón, Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1315-0162


CRUZ, Solbellys et al. Analytical performance in the determination of cholesterol and triglicerides in clinical laboratories from Maracaibo city, Venezuela. Saber [online]. 2014, vol.26, n.2, pp.127-135. ISSN 1315-0162.

In order to evaluate the analytical performance in the determination of total cholesterol (CT) and triglycerides (TG) in clinical laboratories in the city of Maracaibo, Venezuela , applying an external quality assessment ( EQA), six comercial controls sera normal (CN) and six abnormal (CA) were distributed to thirteen laboratories using automated equipment for these measurements. To assess the performance inter-and intralaboratory, the precision was determined through the coefficient of variation (CV) and accuracy by calculating the relative percent deviation (DRP). The analytical goal for the interlaboratory evaluation was following Aspen´s criteria, (CV for CT up to 8.3 % and for TG up to 12.5 %) and for intralaboratory using six sigma criteria: 2.8 % for CT and 4.2 % for TG. In interlaboratory precision, the CV obtained was 7.88% and 9.35% for CT and TG, respectively; and for intralaboratory, CV for CT was 4.87% and 5.84% for TG. From the laboratories evaluated, only 15.38% for CT and 46.15% for TG reached the the intralaboratory precision. The percentage of laboratories with acceptable DRP to CT was 73.08% and 92.11% for TG. Most laboratories did not reach the analytical goal in relation to intralaboratory precision and the accuracy was satisfactory for both determinations and both controls. It was concluded that the transferability of results between laboratories in the region is possible for CT and TG, getting the best analytical performance for TG. It was also shown internal quality control failures, requiring the implementation of EQA programs in the region.

Palabras clave : External quality assessment; accuracy; precision.

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