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Comunidad y Salud

versión impresa ISSN 1690-3293


GUTIERREZ G, Clara Nancy et al. Antistreptolysin O reference values in students of 10 to 15 years of the Municipality "Francisco Linares Alcantara": Aragua state, Venezuela. Comunidad y Salud [online]. 2014, vol.12, n.2, pp.1-7. ISSN 1690-3293.

The most useful for evidence of streptococcal infection of group A beta hemolytic serological response is the determination of antistreptolysin O (ASO). Strep throat is most common infection caused by these organisms, which can lead to non-suppurative complications such as acute rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis.These complications can be prevented by proper diagnosis and treatment. For determination of ASO in Venezuela imported reagents are used whose reference values have been established in different populations and latitudes; so the aim of this study is to determine the reference values of ASO titlesin 203 students aged 10 to 15 years old enrolled in four institutions of the Municipality "Francisco Linares Alcántara", Aragua state, through an investigation of cross-sectional descriptive.Each student a sample of whole blood was collected for determination of ASO titles using neutralization tests and agglutination.The correlation between positive ASO titles were determined by both methods, the sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values of the agglutination test was calculated.The results refer to as reference value for the method of neutralization to 250 Todd Units/mL and for technical agglutination 400 International Units/mL. The concordance was weak between the two tests and obtained sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of 100%, 60%, 24.2% and 100%, respectively. The disclosure in the health centers in the mentioned municipality of referential values of ASO found in this study is suggested.

Palabras clave : ASOTitle; reference values; normal upper limit.

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