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vol.50 número1Evaluación de la persistencia de una formulación comercial de Bacillus sphaericus en criaderos naturales de anofelinos vectores de malaria en estado Bolívar, VenezuelaAspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos y de tratamiento de cinco casos de envenenamiento por erizos de mar en Adícora, península de Paraguaná, estado Falcón, Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Boletín de Malariología y Salud Ambiental

versión impresa ISSN 1690-4648


GOMEZ F, María José  y  CACERES G, José Luis. Toxicity by organophosphate insecticides of fumigators working on the dengue control campaign in Aragua state, Venezuela, 2008. Bol Mal Salud Amb [online]. 2010, vol.50, n.1, pp.119-125. ISSN 1690-4648.

A descriptive study on the conditions of health and their relation to the exhibition to pesticides, and of the "fumigators" of the campaign against dengue in the Aragua state, sampled 50 workers, to whom a survey was applied to investigate: personal characteristics of work, knowledge on insecticides and diseases, besides an inspection the premises, equipment and work environment. From this general sample 28% were smokers. The predominant educational level was elementary school and high school (44%). The fumigator average of working years was of 14.3. Only 40% had knowledge of diseases produced by organophosphate, 62% presented poisoning antecedents. 30% claimed to display cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and neurological diseases. The greater the number of work years, the greater the intensity of signs and symptoms of associated diseases. 38% of the measured levels of acetylcholinesterase were altered. The variables: smoking, years of work, educational level, age group and the lack of knowledge of diseases and intoxication antecedents were associated with abnormal values of acetylcholinesterase, without showing statistical significance. The selection of the workers, their qualification and suitable equipment and materials, their clinical epidemiologic monitoring, their permanent evaluation and respective treatment must be reviewed and taken into account by CORPOSALUD (Corporación de Salud del estado Aragua), making them norms of obligatory fulfillment.

Palabras clave : Toxicity; Organophosphate Insecticide; fumigator.

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