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Areté, Revista Digital del Doctorado en Educación
versión On-line ISSN 2443-4566
VASQUEZ VELA, Manuel Antonio. THE FUNCTIONAL MODEL, AN INSTRUMENT OF ACTIVE TEACHING METHODOLOGY IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC. Areté [online]. 2024, vol.10, n.20, pp.87-104. Epub 18-Oct-2024. ISSN 2443-4566.
The objective of the research was to determine the perception of students regarding a practical course developed under the active teaching-learning methodology, in a context of the covid-19 pandemic. The method used was a non-experimental research, with a quantitative approach, with the application of a questionnaire on the perception of classes received under the Project Based Learning approach. The population was made up of 24 students enrolled in the course; The entire population (census sample) was employed. The criteria evaluated were: methodology used, teaching material, teaching performance and learning achievements. The results showed that 56.5% of students considered that the application of active methodologies regularly met their expectations for the learning process; Regarding the evaluation of the teaching material used, 69.7% considered it adequate; Regarding teaching performance in the face of doubts and queries, 47.8% considered it excellent; Finally, regarding the learning achieved at the end of the course, 60.8% rated it as good. It was concluded that the majority of students positively value the use of active methodology in the development of classes, considering it as a tool to consolidate the knowledge acquired. The adaptation of the teaching material with better planning of the activities to be developed would be recommended.
Palabras clave : Learning; Project; Self-instruction; Feedback; Methodology.