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vol.4 número2El Plan Estratégico de Desarrollo Institucional y el Plan Operativo Anual cómo instrumentos de gestión en las Instituciones de Educación Superior: el caso del Liceo CristianoFactores socioeconómicos que influyen en el acceso a la educación superior en la zona rural del cantón Salitre (Guayas, Ecuador) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista InveCom

versión On-line ISSN 2739-0063


TAMAYO HUAMAN, Pedro Javier; PALACIOS GARAY, Jessica Paola; PACHAS BARRIENTOS, Luz Milagros  y  RODRIGUEZ-BARBOZA, Jhonny Richard. Social cohesion as an instrument for efficient environmental governance. Revista InveCom [online]. 2024, vol.4, n.2, e040243.  Epub 26-Jun-2024. ISSN 2739-0063.

The aim of this research was to determine the impact of social cohesion on environmental governance. The methodology used was qualitative, with an exploratory and hermeneutic documentary design. An exhaustive search and compilation of relevant documents was carried out, followed by an in-depth interpretive analysis to understand and explore the phenomenon under study from different perspectives. As a result, the influence of social cohesion on environmental governance was obtained, because both seek the participation of citizens and their well-being from the empowerment of society, seeking a sense of belonging, reducing social inequalities through civic education, citizen participation helping the most vulnerable social sectors.

Palabras clave : governance; social participation; social cohesion.

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