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e-Revista Multidisciplinaria del Saber

versión On-line ISSN 2960-2467


AQUINO-CANCHARI, Christian Renzo et al. Female representation in the editorial committees of high-impact psychology journals in the world. e-Rev. Multidiscip. Saber [online]. 2024, vol.2, e-RMS01112024.  Epub 13-Dic-2024. ISSN 2960-2467.

The editorial committees of each journal play a fundamental role in resolving gender bias in the publication process. The objective of the work was to estimate the percentage of female representation in the editorial committees of high-impact psychology journals in the world. The analysis was performed from psychology journals, published in the world, updated and current in 2022, indexed to Scopus. For the position of editor-in-chief and/or director, editorial committee and advisory board, female participation was 35.65%, 46.08% and 45.03%, respectively. In addition, female researchers have a greater participation in journals from Portugal (32.32%), classified in the Q1 quartile (45.64%), and in a specialty related to educational psychology (53.03%). Finally, the increase in women in editorial leadership was correlated with a greater participation of women in the editorial committee and advisory board.

Palabras clave : gender; women; psychology; editor; editorial committee; research.

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