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vol.40 número2Crecimiento Científico Contemporáneo, escenario epidemiológico actual de las enfermedades bucales y curriculo odontológico.Prevalencia de Helicobacter pylori en muestras de placa dental de un grupo de pacientes venezolanos, mediante la técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

versión impresa ISSN 0001-6365


GALARRAGA RODRIGUEZ, Nelly Raquel. EL SER HUMANO EN EL MARCO DEL MODELO CLÍNICO . Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2002, vol.40, n.2, pp.109-115. ISSN 0001-6365.

The Clinical Model, was a reformulación of the dentistry teaching, sustained in the incorporation of basic courses and in the biomedical investigation, it has probably been the starting point, of the technician-scientific progresses that today makes us conform an outstanding area in the sciences of the health. However, the possibility to express an reasoned opinion about their last and present value, as well as its relevancy for the current moments, they conform the central objective of this work. Besides helping to the popularization of "the model", it outlines to project certain inherent weaknesses to: the conception of the knowledge, the projection of the same ones and lastly their applicability. To assume an ideological posture outside of what we could consider as conventional until today, constitutes a resistance exercise that maybe can contribute to a transformation after a bigger harmony among the study plans and the graduates that we need and we want. Finally a reflection about What we could make? Drives us to understand the education like the principle of a process and the mediator of happening every day, trying to assume it like a complex net, where they are built "fellows" in a certain relationship form with the knowledge, themselves and with the other ones.

Palabras clave : Model; Rationality; Rationalization; Complexity.

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