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vol.40 número2Niveles de Mercurio en Cabello de individuos expuestos ocupacionalmente en el area OdontológicaPrevotella sp. y Porphyromonas sp. en la Periodontitis del Adulto índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

versión impresa ISSN 0001-6365


SALAZAR V, Carmen Rosa  y  PAZ DE GUDINO, Mercedes. Factores precipitantes en el desarrollo de recesión Gingival. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2002, vol.40, n.2, pp.129-136. ISSN 0001-6365.

A correlation/causal study was done do determine the significance of bacterial plaque, dental calculus, consistency of toothbrush’s bristle, routine of manual movements when toothbrushing, age and sex in the development of gingival recession. Pathology was investigated in a conducted sample of 150 patients attended at the Odontological Medical Services of the Universidad del Zulia, both sex and ages between 18 and 67 years old; with a diagnosis of gingival recession en the 83.37% of the sample’s participants. Gingival recession (horizontal and vertical extension) ocurred, fundamentally, in the bucal face of premolars and lower canines and second lower right premolar. The second lower left premolar and the first lower left premolar, were the most affected teeth because of the alteration. The increase of age indicated augmentation of the number cases with generalized recession and reduction of diagnosis of localized recession in a tooth and it was also detected that people over 27 years old are more onclined to use hard bristles toothbrushes and this could be associated to the alteration’s appearance ans its intensification. Results form ?2 test of the independence of variables and contingency coefficient indicated, for probabilities with elevated level of significance, that there exist association between: bacterial plaque, dental calculus, use of hard bristles toothbrush, manual movements when toothbrushing, age and gingival recession development.

Palabras clave : Gingival Recession; Bacterial Plaque; Dental Calculus; Routine Movements when Toothbrushing; Consistency of Toothbrush’s Bristles.

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