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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

versión impresa ISSN 0001-6365


PARDI, Germán; PERRONE, Marianella  y  MAZZALI DE ILJA, Rosandra. "Incidencia de Trichomonas Tenax en pacientes con Periodontitis Marginal Crónica". Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2002, vol.40, n.2, pp.152-159. ISSN 0001-6365.

Trichomonas tenax is a normal guest microorganism of human oral cavity. There are published studies that rebound the importance of this oral protozoa like normal resident of Subgingival Dental Plaque, and its pathogenic role in Marginal Chronic Periodontitis (M.C.P.), based on data which come from outside, but in Venezuela exists nor data neither information about T. tenax made studies. From this fact, the need to establish proper parameters about this protozoa´s incidence in Central University of Venezuela, School of Dentistry´s patients who have M.C.P. (diagnoses previously established on clinic histories). In this study, 60 patients were selected, who were clasiffied in two groups: 1)Experimental Group: 30 adult patients with M.C.P., who dental calculus samples were taken, and 2)Control Group: 30 adult patients periodontally healthy, who Subgingival Dental Plaque´s samples were taken. Two samples of each patient of both groups were taken and cultivated in "Kupferberg Trichomonas Broth" (K.T.B.) medium tubes. All the tubes were incubated aerobically and anaerobically at 37°C for 72 hours. Protozoa were identified by direct observation of flagellar morphotypes that grew in K.T.B., using light microscopy. The results of the study indicated that in 9 patients from experimental group (30%) were aisled the protozoa, while in the control group the microorganism were aisled only from 1 patient (3%). We concluded that T. tenax was greater in patients with M.C.P. than those periodontally healthy, being greater when the age of themselves increase. This study has revelated the importance of this protozoa like a microorganism, involved in the aetiology and progression of M.C.P.

Palabras clave : Trichomonas tenax; incidence; oral protozoa; Marginal Chronic Periodontitis.

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