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vol.40 número2Quiste Dentigero: Presentación de un casoSíndrome de Ectrodactilia-Displasia Ectodérmica-Hendidura ( Eec. ): Revisión de la Literatura. Reporte de un caso. índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

versión impresa ISSN 0001-6365


GONZALEZ, H., José  y  MORET C., Yuli. Quiste Óseo Traumático Bilateral asociado a tratamiento de Ortodoncia.: PRESENTACIÓN De un caso y Revisión de la literatura. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2002, vol.40, n.2, pp.169-171. ISSN 0001-6365.

Traumatic bone cyst is intrabony cavity without epithelial lining.It does not constitute true cyst. A review is made of traumatic bone cyst (also know as a simple or hemorrhagic ) cyst, which is caused by trauma in 25% of cases. Represent acount for 0,2 and 1% of all maxillary cysts lesions; it is usually asymptomatic and appear in young individuals in the 5-25 years age range.The prognosis of traumatic bone cyst after simple voiding of the cavity is excellent with a good preservation of pulp vitality of the affected teeth.The following presentation is of a traumatic bone cyst that is caused by trama during orthodontia treatment, in patient female of 16 years old. In this case was applied treatment surgical to evoid recurrences. The patient was maneged by radiograph during one year. The pronosis s good in the case.

Palabras clave : Pseudocyst; traumatic Bone Solitary; Bilateral Orthodontia.

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