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vol.40 número2"Determinantes de Patogenicidad de Candida Albicans": (Revisión Bibliográfica)Adhesivos para Amalgama: Revisión de la literatura índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

versión impresa ISSN 0001-6365


GIL PADRON, Ma. de los Ángeles; SAENZ GUZMAN, Mabel; HERNANDEZ, Dayana  y  GONZALEZ, Erika. Los Sellantes de Fosas y Fisuras: Una alternativa de tratamiento "Preventivo o Terapéutico"Revicion de la literatura. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2002, vol.40, n.2, pp.193-200. ISSN 0001-6365.

Today in day it has happened a resurgence in the investigation on the effectiveness of the sealants of pits and fissures. The sealants of pits and fissures have not only demonstrated to be effective in preventing decay before it begins, but also stopping the progress of the cavity lesion in their earlier phases. Simonsen in 1991 concluded that when the sealants of pits and fissures were applied, the dentist could come closer to 100% of protection of the tooth against the cavity. At the moment there are two types of commercially available s, the cured ones chemically and the fotocured sealants. The effect of the fluorine on cavity of surfaces flat combined with the routine and aggressive use of the sealants against the cavity of pits and fissures, have the potential of eradicating decay in children, adolescents and adults, nevertheless the same ones continue being underemployed. One of the objections to the sealants is the possibility that they could be placed inadvertently on incipient lesion, those which then could progress without being detected under the sealant and to put in danger the pulp. The cavity reduction, one year after sealant application, it is in lathe of 80% and of 70% after two years. A sealant application should remain intact for a long period of time. When the sealants is used as therapeutic alternative they are carried out procedures restoring microconservative which foment the preservation of the dental structure and not their unnecessary removal. This restorations with minimum instrumentation possess a therapeutic purpose and a preventive one, simultaneously.

Palabras clave : sealants; decay; prevention; treatment.

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