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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

versión impresa ISSN 0001-6365


DA SILVA, R. F; DE LA CRUZ, B.V.M; DARUGE JR, E  y  FRANCESQUINI JR, L.F. La importancia de la documentación odontologica en la identificación humana -relato de caso.. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2005, vol.43, n.2, pp.159-164. ISSN 0001-6365.

Human identification is a process that reunite the more different areas of knowledge, and it may be associated or not to computerize resources or images. The most common means of human identification are the visual recognition made by relatives or friends and the identification by means of fingerprints, but both have their limitations, since carbonized corpses, skeletal corpses or corpses in decomposition make difficult the identification by means of these methods. Dentistry is largely emphasized as a science qualifies to offer data for human identification, since not only oral cavity but cranium may offer elements to make possible positive identification. To effective the process of human identification it is necessary a good documentation of dental treatments in each patient. Another valuable resource is dental radiograph. The present case tempt to demonstrate the importance of dental records in human identification, standing out in particular, the value of dental radiographs made during clinical treatment, as a prove or document to help Justice. The positive identification of the victim was possible due to the comparison of dental radiographs fount in dental records from the victim. The criminal process surrounds circumstances about dead, as well as the possible authorship of the crime was resolved after odonto-legal identification of the body.

Palabras clave : Dental Identification; Forensic Odontology; Dental Radiographs.

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