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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

versión impresa ISSN 0001-6365


TEIXEIRA, Karina Imaculada Rosa  y  CORTES, Maria Esperanza. Estado actual de la indicación de antimicrobianos para la medicación intracanal.. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2005, vol.43, n.2, pp.177-180. ISSN 0001-6365.

The irrigation of the system of root channels during the endodontics treatment as well as the use of best intracanal medicament is an indispensable complement in the cure and elimination of necrotic tissues. The aim of this work was to analyze the main effects of the antimicrobials used in the disinfection of the systems of root channels approaching its advantages, disadvantages and specially to incorporate the new knowledge from microbiology and pharmacology areas in the clinical boarding of the medication of root channels. The antimicrobials of wide use in dentistry will be analyzed such as sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine, with recent application, EDTA, calcium hydroxide and paramonochlorophenol.The literature shows that, in spite of its long use in endodontic many disadvantages are pointed out in relation to the sodium hypoclorite. The use of EDTA is suitable only before the filling of the channel due to its strong quelant action, and the clorhexidine in gel is a good alternative when it is considered its antimicrobial, detergent and biological activity. The medication intracanal should be understood taking in consideration the strong relationship between bacteria and fungi, forming biofilms and in that way, the used agents need to have a wide action range, cleaning capacity, to prevent the debris extrusion in the periapicals tissues, long permanency (some days), and especially with low cytotoxicity. We can conclude that no antimicrobial fulfills all the demands and the use should be particular to each case, following the clinical parameters, especially in relation to the clinical signs. The calcium hydroxide remains, as first option in asymptomatic teeth and without periapical infection, already the chlorhexidine in gel would be more suitable to be used in teeth with chronic or persistent lesions.

Palabras clave : medicación; irrigación; antimicrobianos; endodoncia.

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