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vol.44 número3Estudio in vitro del efecto de dentífricos fluorurados comercialmente disponibles en Venezuela en el proceso de remineralización de lesiones iniciales de caries dental.Longevidad y razones para el cambio de restauraciones de amalgama índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

versión impresa ISSN 0001-6365


GUERRA, MARÍA ELENA; TOVAR, VILMA  y  BLANCO, LUCILA. Relación entre infecciones oportunisticas  y  manifestaciones bucales en niños vih/sida. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2006, vol.44, n.3, pp.324-328. ISSN 0001-6365.

25% of the children from the infection caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), died from Pneumocystis carinii. Although HIV is a very serious infection from pathogen germs. Oral manifestation could be the first symptom of the infection, 90% confirm the progression to AIDS. Candidiasis is recognized as an indicator of immune suppression. Objective: to determine the risk to present opportunistic infections and relation with oral manifestation  in children from 0-4 years old HIV(+) in CAPEI/UCV during 2003-2004. Material and methods:  59 children HIV/AIDS were examined aged 0 to 4 years old under CAPEI/UCV protocol. Hierarchical cluster was applied being identified two groups: High number of opportunistic infections and Low number of opportunistic infections. Logistic regression model was used to determine the association between the number of opportunistic infections and oral manifestation controlling for the effect of the age. Results: showed that the risk ratio for children with big number of  oral manifestations was 6.7 for presence of opportunistic infections. Conclusion: The presence of oral manifestation as a clinical sign that evidence the progress of HIV to AIDS gives relevance to the pediatrician dentist in the diagnosis and handling of infetion.

Palabras clave : Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV); Acquired  Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS); children; oral manifestations; opportunistic infections..

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