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Acta Odontológica Venezolana
versión impresa ISSN 0001-6365
MONCADA, G et al. Longevity and reasons for replacement of amalgam restorations. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2006, vol.44, n.3, pp.329-333. ISSN 0001-6365.
The aim of this study was to determine in vivo the medium survival rate and failure reasons of amalgam restorations. Two clinicians (Cohen´s Kappa=0,75) studied clinically and by Xray 56 patients (18-80 years) (mean value 28±17) (with 213 restorations Classes I=135, II=78). Patients and dentist were consulted the date in which restorations were made. The failures of the restorations were evaluated by the following six parameters; 1: Marginal Adaptation (MA), 2: Anatomy (A), 3: Roughness (R), 4: Contacts (C), 5: Sensitivity (S) and 6: Secondary Caries (SC), according to Ryge modified criteria. The median longevity of restorations until the study date was 5.8 years. The failure reasons expressed by parameter in quantity and (percents of all restorations) were: SC: n=13 (35.1%), MA: n=10 (27.0%), A: n=8 (21.6%), R: n=5 (13.5%), S: n=1 (2,7%), C: n=0 (0,0%). The main failure reasons were Secondary Caries, Marginal Adaptation and Anatomy. The less frequency of failure was observed in the parameters contacts and post operative sensitivity. Early and greater failures were observed in class II than Class I.
Palabras clave : Longevidad; Amalgama; Odontología restauradora; Operatoria dental; fracaso.