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Acta Odontológica Venezolana
versión impresa ISSN 0001-6365
CASTILLO, César David et al. Prevalencia de fracturas en los maxilares de los pacientes que acudieron al servicio de cirugía maxilo facial del hospital clínico universitario (HCU).: Febrero-noviembre 2004.. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2006, vol.44, n.3, pp.357-363. ISSN 0001-6365.
The purpose of present study is to bring about the prevalence of jawbone fractures in patients who attempt to the Maxillo Facial Surgery Service in the Hospital Clinico Universitario (HCU) during the period from February to November 2004 and analyze the relation between age, sex, etiology, anatomic zone and fractures number. The study was done with patients who went to the HCU Maxilo facial Surgery Service to receive treatment for their disease; there were 262 patients in exam, there were selected the ones with jawbones fracture. A table was done for collecting information. The fracture diagnose was done for specialists in the Service. The number of patients with jawbone fracture was 116 (44%). The cause or etiology more common was assault or fighting (n=47, 41%), from age groups in study, It was observe more prevalence in the group of 20 to 29 years old with a total number of 47 cases (40%) with the following distribution (n=7, 6%) in the upper jawbone and (n=40; 34%) in the lower jawbone. The jawbone fractures distribution by sex was in the upper jawbone (n=4; 3% in female and n=19; 17% in male) and in the lower jawbone was (n=16; 14% for female and n=77; 66% in male). By the number of jawbone fractures, the lower jawbone is more susceptible to fractures, presenting 52 cases; 50% with only one line of fracture; 25 cases; 24% with two fracture line and 8; 7% with three fracture line. In regard to the anatomical place the body of the lower jawbone in more susceptible to fractures (n=44; 28%). The Jawbone fractures are very common injuries in the population, more in countries like us, with increase violence. It can be concluded that the jawbone has a frequency of 44% in relation of the total sample. From age groups it was observe more prevalence in the 20 to 29 year group. In relation of the sex group, it was a domain of fractures in males. In relation of the anatomical place the lower jawbone was in first place and the most common etiology was personal aggressions.
Palabras clave : Maxillo Facial; Fractures; jawbones; Prevalency.