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Acta Odontológica Venezolana
versión impresa ISSN 0001-6365
NAVARRO, Lucía; ORDAZ, Karen; LACRUZ, Brenda y MORET, Yuli. Prevalencia de la hiperplasia epitelial focal en pacientes de las étnias Sanema y Yekuana. Estado Bolívar. Venezuela.. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2006, vol.44, n.3, pp.364-370. ISSN 0001-6365.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of Hiperplasia Epithelial Focal (HEF) in indigenas populations of the tribes Sanema and Yekuana of the Bolivar State - Venezuela. It was examined a total of 862 patients of both sexes and in ages between 0 - 79 years old, of which 79 (9%) presented/displayed pathology to study. The diagnostic of the injury was made on base of history and clinical characteristics according to the guide for epidemiologic study of the World-wide Organization of the Health (WHO, 1978). The number of patients with HEF was of 79 (9%), of these, 45 (57%) belonged to the ethnic group Sanema and 34 (43%) to the Yekuana ethnic group. According to the habits, it was found that 13 (17%) patients presented/displayed the habit to chew tobacco. Regarding the frequency of HEF in relation to the total sample, it was evidenced that this pathology represents 9% of the sample studied in the period September 2003 - July 2004. Of the groups according to the studied ages it was observed a greater prevalence in the group 0 - 9 a, 51 cases (65%), followed of group 10 - 19 years old, 20 cases (25%). The distribution of the HEF according to sex, I was appeared in 37 cases (47%) of feminine sex and 42 cases (53%) of masculine sex. Regarding localization anatomic, the lips are mainly affected, distributed of the following way: HEF injury that affects so much the superior and inferior lip 32 cases (40%), followed by affection to the mucosa of the cheek - superior lip - inferior lip 19 cases (24%); only the inferior lip 7 cases (8%): superior lip 4 cases (5%); mucosa of the cheek 4 cases (5%); mucosa of the cheek - superior lip - inferior lip - tongue 3 cases (4%) cheek mucosa - superior lip - tongue 2 cases (3%); cheek mucosa - tongue 2 cases (3%); cheek mucosa - superior lip 2 cases (3%): cheek mucosa - inferior lip a case (1%); superior lip - inferior lip - tongue one case (1%). The manifestation of the injuries mainly presented/displayed an aspect nodular 78 cases (99%); to papular 1 case (1%); rounded shape 78 cases (99%); oval shape one case (1%); warty surface 79 cases (100%); there weren´t cases of smooth surface; injuries with the same color of the mucosa 79 cases (100%); none case with reddish injuries; last appeared multiple injuries in 78 cases (99%) and just one case in solitary presentation (1%)
Palabras clave : Focal Epithelial Hiperplasia; PreValence.