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Acta Odontológica Venezolana
versión impresa ISSN 0001-6365
FERRARI DE DELGADO, Marta Nora et al. Liquen plano oral, carcinoma de celulas escamosas y carcinoma verrugoso de Ackerman: reporte de un caso. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2006, vol.44, n.3, pp.376-379. ISSN 0001-6365.
Oral lichen planus, or OLP, is a chronic inflammatory mucocutaneous disease. Precancerous conditions are defined as a generalized state associated with a significantly increased risk of cancer. The World Health Organization defined lichen planus as precancerous conditions. Several studies have addressed the issue of the premalignant potential of lichen planus. Some aspects of this pathology are still controversial. The aim of this article is to document the development of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and Ackerman verrucous carcinoma Ackerman (AVC) in a 59 year old man with an oral lesion diagnosed clinically as OLP. He was non smoker and no alcohol habits. At the time of diagnostic the three lesions simultaneously were found in the same anatomic place. This new case of malignization suggests the needs to carry out examinations particularly important in patients who have atypical form of OLP and /or risk factors.
Palabras clave : Lichen oral planus; Squamous cell carcinoma; Verrucous carcinoma of Ackerman.