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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

versión impresa ISSN 0001-6365


PEREZ GONZALEZ, Elisa; LOPEZ LABADY, Jeaneth  y  VILLARROEL DORREGO, Mariana. Quiste odontogénico ortoqueratinizado: Una nueva entidad derivada del queratoquiste  odontogénico. Revisión de la literatura. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2006, vol.44, n.3, pp.419-423. ISSN 0001-6365.

The recent studies and investigations are multiple that support the clearly clinical differences, histopatológical and inmunohystochemical between the variants paraqueratinized and orthoqueratinized of the Queratocyst Odontogenic, provoking this way controversies between the different authors with respect to this subject. Nevertheless, those are many that already have fixed their position and affirm, on the basis of different findings, that the odontogenic Queratocyst and its orthoqueratinized variant, they are two injuries different and independent one of the other. From 1981 the term of Orthoqueratinized Odontogénic Cyst was introduced, in order to describe this pathological organization that has defined characteristics affluent and whose alternatives of treatment are preservative due to their low recurrence. The present revision of Literature tries to establish the differences between the Odontogénic Queratocyst, today already considered a odontogenic tumor and the Orthoqueratinized Odontogénic Cyst like two independent organizations.

Palabras clave : Quiste odontogénico ortoqueratinizado; Queratoquiste odontogénico; Quiste odontogénico; Tumor odontogénico quístico queratinizante.

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