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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

Print version ISSN 0001-6365


PACHANO U, Beatriz E et al. Comportamiento clínico y radiográfico del formocresol y la pasta iodoformada en el tratamiento de pulpotomías en molares primarios. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2009, vol.47, n.4, pp.31-43. ISSN 0001-6365.

PURPOSE: evaluate the clinical and radiographic behaviour of pulpotomy treatments performed with formocresol and iodoform paste in primary molars. MATERIALS AND METHODS: a non probabilistic sample was selected which consisted of 21 children of both sexes ranged in age from 3 to 8 years, who attended to the Pediatric Dentistry Service of the Autonomous Institute Andes's University Hospital, Mérida - Venezuela. Pulpotomy treatments were performed in vital primary molars with carious pulpal exposure. The selected molars were randomly separated according to the material (1st group: formocresol and 2nd group: iodoform paste). The sample was observed into 1, 2 and 3 month after the treatment in stead to evaluate the apparition of clinic and radiographic sings and symptoms of pulpal pathology. RESULTS: the Fisher's exact test showed that there were not statistically significant differences between both materials (p=0,351 y 0,176). It were found a success rates of 81,8% with the formocresol technique and 90,9% with the iodoform paste technique. The clinic and radiographic founds observed during the evaluation period were swelling, fistulation, perifurcal radiolucency, external pathologic radicular resorption, internal radicular resorption. The last one was the most frequently found observed (formocresol technique 3,03%, iodoform paste technique 1,51%). CONCLUSIONS: either formocresol or iodoform paste can be used as obturating materials for pulpotomies in primary molars. Therefore, the iodoform paste can be considered as an alternative to the formocresol use in the primary molar pulpal therapy

Keywords : Pulpotomy; Formocresol; Iodoform Paste; Primary Molars.

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