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Acta Odontológica Venezolana
Print version ISSN 0001-6365
RAMOS, R; MENDOZA, M; PEREZ, C and DIAZ, E. Deteccion de candida en cavidad bucal en un grupo de niños eutroficos y desnutridos. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2009, vol.47, n.4, pp.44-55. ISSN 0001-6365.
Candida albicans is a yeast, frequent diner in the oral microflora, however, the predisposition of the host acts as a cofactor in the genesis of oral candidiasis, coupled with nutritional deficiencies. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of C. albicans and other Candida species in a group of malnourished children and compare it with a group of children nourished or eutrophic. This study examined sixty-three children from 3 to 6 years of age who came to the Center for Child Care Nutrition Antímano (Cania), 34 were malnourished and 29 eutrophic; none of the children tested showed signs of clinical oral candidiasis. Of the total cases, 28 (44.44%) were positive for yeast, these 19 (67.87%) children were malnourished and 9 (32.14%) children eutrophic. Of the 35 cases negative for yeast cultivation, the highest percentage (57.14%) were found in children eutrophic. An analysis of statistical test of differences of two proportions, showed that C. albicans species was the most frequent (35.71%) in malnourished children, compared to eutrophic (14.28%). Other Candida species were also found. As for sex and age, there was no statistical difference. The evaluation of the cellular immune response in 40 children in this study with the antigen Candidina, showed only 38% of positivity in malnourished children, with 63% in eutrophic children, we noted that the low immune response or defense that presents the group of malnourished children in front of this yeast, which makes us suggest that this may be a predisposing factor in this group for developing the disease
Keywords : Candida; yeast; eutrophic; malnourished; Proprietor.