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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

Print version ISSN 0001-6365


SILLET, Marianella; ORELLANA, Alejandra  and  SALAZAR, Esmeralda. Estudio comparativo de tres regímenes de tratamiento Profiláctico antes de la cirugía bucal. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2009, vol.47, n.4, pp.78-91. ISSN 0001-6365.

The surgical removal of impacted third molar teeth can result in considerable pain, swelling and dysfunction. The factors contributed to postoperative pain, swelling and trismus are complex. Pharmacologic strategies for minimizing the clinical manifestation of surgical trauma are often directed toward blocking the acute inflammation, bacterial infections disease and pain. Therefore, much controversy has arisen about the necessity of prophylactic antibiotic treatment. Purpose: The aim the present study was to evaluate three regimes of prophylactic oral treatment before oral surgery. Patients and Methods: Forty five patients were assigned at randon for antibiotic protocol. Three groups were established In the first group, antibiotic treatment with oral Amoxicillin 500mg, 3 times daily was carried out for 7 days postoperatively. The second group received 2g oral Amoxicillin one hour before surgery. In the third group the patients received placebo. The parameters that we evaluated were swelling, trismus and pain. All data were tabulated and statistical analyzed by test. Results: This investigation revealed a higher efficacy  of the therapy with amoxicillin to swelling and trismus postoperative control. Our results demonstrated no statically significant differences with regard to pain. Conclusions: Our results showed that a single dose before surgery is as well as the 7 day- treatment after surgery to prevent postoperative trismus, and better to swelling postoperative control and therefore should be recommended

Keywords : Amoxicillin; Prophylactic antibiotic treatment; Swelling; trismus; pain.

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