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vol.47 issue4Estudio comparativo de tres regímenes de tratamiento Profiláctico antes de la cirugía bucalIrrigación subgingival com clorhexidina en terapia periodontal no quirúrgica author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

Print version ISSN 0001-6365


DA SILVA PEREIRA, Sergio Luís et al. Evaluación del efecto de un gel conteniendo extracto de aruera en el tratamiento de gingivitis: Estudio clínico en humanos. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2009, vol.47, n.4, pp.92-99. ISSN 0001-6365.

The aim of this randomized, parallel, double-blind clinical trial was to evaluate the effect of a gel containing 10% of myracrodruon urundeuva extract on the reduction of plaque and gingivitis. Subjects were randomly allocated into either the test group (n=15, test gel) or the control group (n=11, placebo gel). Plaque levels were measured using the Turesky-Gilmore-Glickman index (PLI) and gingivitis was evaluated through Gingival index of Löe & Silness (GI) and gingival bleeding index of Ainamo & Bay (GBI). Subjects were asked to brush their teeth with the gel, three times a day, for thirty days. There was a significant difference in all indexes for the both groups in a similar manner after the end of the trial. In conclusion, the gel containing 10% of myracrodruon urundeuva did not showed a additional effect on reduction of plaque and gingivitis

Keywords : Gingivitis; dental plaque; myracrodrun urundeuva.

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