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vol.47 issue4Aspectos microbiologicos en implantologia: Revisión de la literaturaNuevas especies del genero prevotella y su importancia en el área odontológica: Revisión de la literatura author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

Print version ISSN 0001-6365


CHIMENOS-KUSTNER, E et al. Linfangioma capilar: Revisión de la literatura y reporte de un caso caso pediátrico. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2009, vol.47, n.4, pp.158-166. ISSN 0001-6365.

CAPILLAR LYMPHANGIOMA. Review of the literature and report of a pediatric case Lymphangiomas are congenital uncommon malformations of the lymphatic system, that different authors consider to have neoplasic, hamartomatous or congenital dysplasia characters. They can affect skin, mucosal, as well as subcutaneal or submucosal areas, in any location. According to their location and the size of the vascular lymphatic formation they are classified as superficial (circumscribed) and deep (cavernous, cystic hygromas). Case presentation: An eleven-years-old adopted girl of hindu ethnic group presented several granular papules on the lingual back, painless and soft consistent. They were located ahead of lingual V, with a diameter between one and several millimetres. Their colour were slightly more pink than the surrounding tissues. Under a suspection diagnosis of papillomas or lymphangiomas, a biopsy of the most anterior lesion was taken. Histopathology: Squamous mucosa, with enlarged epithelium, without maturative disorder nor atypia, and a marked papillomatosis was found. The submucosa of papilla axis showed numerous vascular ducts of flat endothelium with vascular ectasia. These ducts were in direct contact with the epithelium. The histopathologic diagnosis was of capillar lymphangioma. Treatment: Due to the extension and location of the lesion, without risk and taking into account the age of the patient, an expectant behaviour was chosen. In this paper the literature about lymphangioma is reviewed and a clinical case is presented, highlighting the importance of the knowledge of the clinical aspects of the lymphangioma in the odontologic and estomatologic area. This kind of pathology places with preponderance in the cervicofacial area

Keywords : capillar lymphangioma; circumscribed lymphangioma of the tongue.

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