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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

Print version ISSN 0001-6365


MUNANTE-CARDENAS, José et al. Surgical treatment  of mandibular fractures in pediatric patients. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2009, vol.47, n.4, pp.249-255. ISSN 0001-6365.

The facial fractures in children show important characteristics about their prevalence, diagnosis and treatment, which differentiate them from fractures in adults. For these reasons, children trauma should be a subject of special attention to due the anatomical, physiological and psychological considerations of the patient´s age. The children jaw fractures that show little displacements can be treat in a conservative way, while those that show greater displacements and interfering with the function should be treated similarly to that in adults, this is with open reduction and stabilization, using some devices such as plaques, steel wires, screws and titanium plaques or through resorbable osteosynthesis systems. These different systems show indications, advantages and disadvantages, which must be considered in order to choose the most suitable treatment

Keywords : Osteosynthesis; resorbable; titanium; biomaterials.

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