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Acta Odontológica Venezolana

Print version ISSN 0001-6365


GUERRERO BOBADILLA, Carlos et al. Evaluación del sellado apical de sistemas resinosos en la obturación de conductos radiculares: “Estudio in Vitro”. Acta odontol. venez [online]. 2010, vol.48, n.1, pp.17-22. ISSN 0001-6365.

The purpose of this study is to compare the capacity of apical sealed between the cements AH Plus, Endo-Rez and Epiphany. Sixty eight human single-rooted inferior premolars of recent extraction were included. The specimens were decrowned and instrumented with the crown-down technique until the #50 file. The teeth were randomly divided into three groups of 20 each one and obturated with the technique of lateral condensation. Group 1: AH Plus, Group 2: Endo-Rez, Group 3: Epiphany and two groups of fourth specimens for control (positive and negative). The specimens were prepared to be submerged in 2% blue of methylene solution by 48 hours in to vacuum atmosphere. The results showed an apical sealed average of 0.27 mm for AH Plus, 0.40 mm for the Endo-Rez and 0.41 mm for the Epiphany. The ANOVA test supplemented with the Post-Hoc Tukey’s HSD Test revealed best apical sealed for the group with AH plus (p <0.05) and no statically significant differences were found between other groups.  Under the conditions of this study, the AH Plus cement showed the best conditions of apical sealed

Keywords : apical sealed; filtration; AH Plus; Endo-Rez; Epiphany.

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